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News/Avocado will be "the strong arm" of the Mexican Agro in 2022 Avocado will be "the strong arm" of the Mexican Agro in 2022

Avocado will be "the strong arm" of the Mexican Agro in 2022

ene 18, 2022

Considered the "green gold" of Mexico, since it is the main agricultural export product, the avocado aims at 2022 to impose new brands in shipments abroad, which, according to businessman Luis Doporto Alejandre, would position it as "the strong arm "of Mexican agriculture.

A few months ago, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) presented the Agricultural Outlook 2021-2030, which project an exponential growth of avocado during the next decade. Also, they position Mexico as the most important producer, with a future participation in world avocado exports of 63%, and an annual growth of 5.2%, which includes a potential production of 12 billion tons.

Luis Doporto affirms that there will be no other fruit, vegetable or seed on the Mexican agricultural export market that is equal to avocado, since it will surpass mangoes and pineapples in terms of quantity, as well as other star products such as tomato, strawberries, raspberries and chilies.

Likewise, the businessman highlighted that Mexico is today the world leader in the cultivation and export of avocado, with one of every three fruits that enter the international market being of national origin, which has expanded in recent years to reach a in 24 countries.

"Not only is the United States and Europe a destination for the national avocado, now the Mexican "green gold" reaches markets in America (Canada, El Salvador and Honduras) and Asia (Japan, South Korea and China)."

According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader), in the first 10 months of 2021, Mexico's agri-food balance reached a surplus of 5,707 million dollars. "If the avocado continues with its exponential growth, both in production and in exports to different markets, agriculture will have strong cards to level the trade balance with respect to the important imports that are being made of products such as corn, wheat or soybeans. And let's remember that, in agro-industrial material, avocado is only found in export value below beer, tequila and mezcal."

Millennium news. (2022) Avocado will be the strong arm of Mexican agriculture in 2022: Luis Doporto Alejandre. 2022 January, Millennium Website:


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